Lost In Thought

Current Thoughts

I don't think I've ever had or used a blog before, so this should be interested if I manage to keep it up I suppose. I've had a tumblr for over a decade now but never post anything, just sharing stupid funny shit. Facebook is garbage and I stopped using it years ago, Twitter is garbage and I never used it, same with Instagram and most other social media. Reddit can be semi-decent if you take the time to heavily curate it but then you still don't truly have full control over the content you see simply by design. And everything is either front page with thousands of people shouting over one another or so niche that you're talking to yourself. Cohost was the first place that felt truly welcoming and comfortable, and I'm extremely sad at losing it, but it is what it is. I'm finding new places to be that exist outside the mainstream internet, such as here, and that will be good enough for me.

I also now have the time to do that. Unfortunately I was laid off last Thursday, which leaves me both without income and without a looming strict schedule for the first time in 16 years. I'm already finding myself struggling with motivation to accomplish what needs to be done. Fortunately I am getting a semi-decent severance amount that should cover the next few months, so if I get a new job before then it will actually financially have been a good thing.

Until then, I suppose I'll be tinkering with this and a neocities site, my personal dev project, and working on studying/practicing coding until I do get a new job. And some writing, perhaps. I'm feeling more motivated in that regard than I have in years, and with the time to do so... maybe I can create something of my own for once. We'll see.

Anyway, welcome to my new blog, to anyone who actually reads this. Thanks for stopping by.
