Lost In Thought

I Am Dying

I am dying
Albeit so slowly some might, understandably, assume I am not dying
But the simple truth is
When you are not around
Without you
I am not living
So what other possibility does that leave
Besides the inexorable, steady, unending trudging onward toward my own inevitable demise
This mundane drudgery that is life without light
Life without breath
Life without you
So I am dying, and I plod forward as if a mindless automaton
Screaming inside my own head
Whilst my robot self
Follows through in its programming
Start to finish with no bug or glitch or change
Because nothing spectacular is meant to happen here
And yet
You happened
Now my joints stick and rust as they struggle against this confinement
My every breath inhales the oceans between us
And I swim amid nebulae
As all I see are the stars and planets I’ve traveled between
With you
I cannot go back to what I once was
Not now that I have tasted what it is to be
But first you are here
And then you are gone
And I, so foolishly lost
I dream only of you
Until I can live again
I am dying
